Monday, December 14, 2009

Chapter 8- Hey Hey What Can I Do

Hey everyone, I think you will find this chapter be, interesting. I don't know if anyone watched Gilmore Girls but it is one of my favorite shows and there will be a lot of references to it in future chapters, I figured now would be as good a time as any to start. I only say this, because the references tend to come out of left field on that show as it is, making it hard to keep up or a little odd. Anywho, enjoy all, its kind of long : D

- Jeyre87

Sid POV~

What is the matter with me? I'm the worse person on the planet. I wanted to crawl in a hole. It was bad that I snapped at her, she did not deserve that. But the fact that I made her cry was so much worse. She made me so crazy, that beautiful, infuriating woman. Was she blind to the fact of how much I liked her? I shouldn't have yelled at her, that was obvious, but she kept going on and on about Heath. I couldn't take listening to her talk about another guy. I wanted to be the one she talked about that swept her off her feet. Every meeting with her and Heath was a bullet to the heart. They always said the same things at the same time, shot each other glances having wordless conversations, they were in sync. But, as painful as it was to watch them together, it was nothing compared to the knowledge that I had hurt her. I had to do something to make it up to her, a gesture to show her I cared. A peace offering. But what? I left the ice, thinking of what I could do. Apologize for starters and tell her I was being irrational. I wanted to do it tomorrow, that was for sure because we had Sunday off so I wouldn't see her until Monday. I was walking around the corner and saw 'him'. He was speaking to one of the Penguins Interns, otherwise known as coffee and errand runners for the big wigs.

"Hey John, Do you think tommorow we could order lunch a little earlier? Being stuck in those meetings is kind of draining."Aww. Poor Baby. The little shit needed to suck it up.

"Sure thing Heath. Order from the same place right?"

"Yeah, PF Changs is her favorite. She loves their Lettuce Wraps and Sweet And Sour chicken."

"and you?"

"I eat it because, when Reagan is happy every one is happy."

"Not a Chinese food guy?"

Not really." Weird, how can you not love chinese food? But I knew what I was going to do for her. I would surprise her with lunch tommorrow and apologize.... and I guess I could start being a little nicer to Heath. I strode around the corner, might as well start now. Heath took off in the opposite direction the minute he saw me. Man had I done a job on him, I snickered.

"Heath." He recoiled.

"Hello Mr. Crosby"

"Hey man, call me Sid" What was that cliche-- keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

"Oh, hey Sid." I could see it in his eyes. He thought I was fucking with him. He was just waiting for Mr. Hyde to return. Honestly, I was just trying to test wether I could be nice to him or not.

"So how is the campaign going?" I asked casually. This was easier than I thought. It was like having to act reserved in front of media.

"Good." He said hesitantly.

"well, that is good." We stood in akward silence. "Well, I gotta go but I'll see you tommorow, man."


"Later." That was alot easier than I thought it would be. I still wanted to kill him, because he had Reagan, and I didn't. But what can you do? I headed to the locker room so I could change and head home. A night of hanging out with the kids while Mario and Nathalie went out would serve as a nice distraction. I called PF Changs before I left to make sure the order would be ready for tomorrow and told John to cancel Reagans order that some of the guys were surprising her with lunch. Now all I had to do was wait for tomorrow to come, Saturday had never seemed so far away.


The next morning I woke up and went through the normal morning routine. When I drove into the arena for practice I was a little on edge. I was afraid that she was not even going to speak to me. I pulled into my regular space, signed for fans then headed inside. After reviewing some game tapes, it was time to head to my meeting with Reagan and Heath. I had two objectives heading into the meeting. 1) Seeing if she would talk to me and 2) Being nice to Heath. The last one was out neccessity of the first objective. As I headed down the hallway to the boardroom I saw her and Heath walking side by side. He put his arm around her when he saw me, in a very defensive manner. She no doubt had spoken to him about what I had said. I nodded at him acknowledging his prescence, a first. Then made eye contact with her. She held her gaze to mine for a moment. I decided to make the first move.

"Reagan" She turned her head in a very childish snubbing manner. She was dismissing me, and she was definatley mad. I just stared at the toe of my trainers as I walked into the room. Hopefully, she wouldn't be mad for long, as long as everything went according to plan.

The meeting went smoothly in regards to Heath. I was professional, polite, and pragmatic. I kind of had to be though, since he was the only one that would speak to me. Through out the entire meeting she would shoot me scathing looks. Max thought it was the funniest thing ever, and whenever he got the chance he would inquire as to what I had done to piss her off. I told him to shut up and after about the third time I shot him ' the look' and 'Max the Mouth' quieted. As we were leaving John the Intern came in with everyone's food. I hovered near the door to make sure everything went according to plan. Max looked at me and asked what I was doing.

"Nothing. Go ahead without me. I'll catch up with you."

"Whatever, man"

They began doling out the food. I bent down to 'tie my shoes'. As I listened to the conversation going on.

"Damn it" I heard her say.

"What"Heath's voice full of concern.

"My orders not in here."

"That is not possible"

"It is considering it is not in here."

"I can't believe those idiots messed up the order. We have gotten the same thing like four times this week. "

"Whatever. It's fine" She said exasperated.

"Do you want some of mine?"

"No. I'll figure something else out. I am going to work in the other room. Come find me if you need me."


She strode out of the room. Ha! Success! Part 1. Check. Now to go find John and get her lunch before she ordered something else. Man, I have never put this much effort into a girl.

I went and got her order from John and then went to find her. I peeked into all the vacated board rooms and found her sitting indian style on top of the table with paper work all around her. Her eyes had gone navy blue from fierce concentration, and her tounge was sticking out from between her gorgeous plush lips. Her creamy white skin was in stark contrast to the dark thick locks that were piled into a messy bun on the top of her head. It accentuated the long curve of her neck down to her ample chest, where two buttons had been undone making a hint of black lace visible. God. It made it hard to focus on anything else. I wanted to throw her down on that table and have my way with her, until she was begging, no screaming for more. A tangle of sweaty sexy limbs. Heat traveled straight to my groin and I never wanted a woman more in my life.

"What do you want?" Her voice snapping at me, helped me refocus. I looked at her, my face blank for a moment before regaining my composure. She was on the defense her arms were crossed and her jaw was locked. She had her head cocked sideways in that attitude filled way that only a woman can achieve.

"I came to apologize..."

"For being ass."

"Yes, for being an ass. And for..."

"because you were."

"I know"

"And whats worse is that I didn't do anything to..."


Silence. Finally.

"You do understand, that when a person comes to apologize that it is customary to actually let them apologize, not just you interrupting them. Now listen." I took a deep breath." I am so sorry. I really am. I didn't mean anything I said yesterday. I do care about you and what you think and say. I was overwhelmed and I was taking displaced anger out on you. You were also right that Heath didn't deserve to be treated the way I was treating him. That was wrong and I will try to work on being nicer on him. I tried to put an honest effort in today, and will continue to put that effort in. Bottom line, Reagan, I screw up. I screwed up and I hurt you. Which was not something I ever wanted to do if I ever wanted a close friendship with you, and I will not let it happen again. Okay?"

"Apology, accepted."


"Yeah" She smiled."What's in the bag?" she inquired.

"Lunch." I replied with a sly smile. "I overheard that they forgot yours, and when I discovered that they had doubled my order by accident, I decided to use it as a peace offering."

"Hmmm, cute, talented, and clever. I believe it is the tri-fecta. So what is for lunch?"

"PF Changs. Chicken Lettuce Wraps and Sweet and Sour Chicken. Sound Good?"

"Are you kidding me? That's my favorite, I would give up my first born for it." She said, grinning from ear to ear. I tried as best I could to keep a straight face.

"Well, good. Wouldn't want you to be mal-nourished or anything." Handing her an order of the food. She took, her eyes as big as saucers. We sat and talked the entire time, I found out that she was just as obessed with Friends as I was. She also loved movies with a somewhat twisted sense of humor, that she loved to read, and hockey was her favorite sport in the world besides swimming. It was nice to spend time with her. I told her that on Monday, since I would be here around the same time that I would pick up lunch. We decided on a deli that wasn't to far away and that I would pick it up on my way in.

Sunday was a long day. The boys and I got together and went to grab a bite then hung out. But I couldn't get her off my mind. I tried to join in the fun, but just couldn't get into it. The boys could tell something was off, but no one really questioned it. They knew I wouldn't talk about it unless I wanted to.

Finally, it was Monday, the day started off great. I got through all my interviews. The game tapes that needed to be reviewed were finished, and I was on my way to grab lunch for Reags and me , before practice started. Lunch went pretty much the same as on Saturday, and we decided to make it a regular thing for the week.

Everyday, for the rest of the week, we would sit in an empty board room and meet up for lunch. We talked, got to know each others likes and dislikes. She even asked my opinion on the campaign. She decided that the organization would do a both a hard hitting in your face campaign to draw in an older more experienced fan base, and profiles that would be based from childhood until now and what it took to make it to the NHL. She was a very intelligent person, it was nice to get away from those dipshit puckbunnies that were always hanging around. They wouldn't know an independent thought if it hit them in the head. Once again, she was different.

I loved these lunches, next week started pre-season meaning my schedule got even crazier, so this time with her was precious. Unfortunatley, I discovered thursday afternoon that I would have to miss our lunch Friday for a media confrence. When I texted her, she said that was fine and that she understood. She even suggested that we have an early dinner friday after work (as friends of course) to make up for it. Not Exactly what I had been hoping for, I shouldn't be hoping for anything she has a boyfriend, but it was a step in the right direction. We agreed to meet up outside of the Igloo around four. I would drive, and we would come back and get her car.

Later, at the end of the day, I waited by my car for her. She was looking friday casual, in khaki slacks and a blue cardigan that brought out her eyes, and her hair was swept into a ponytail. She looked pretty. We rode over to the restraunt, listening and occasionally singing along to some eighties rock station. She had a much better voice than I did, not that that was hard. We went to this little Mom and Pop Italian Reasturant and sat in the back out of sight from everyone but still able to see everything.

I don't think I can stress how entertaining it is to watch her eat. People have made fun of me for being a little OCD for a while, but this was hilarious. God forbid the the utensils not be aligned properly, or the napkin be folded on its crease. I had sat my phome on the table at one point because I was expecting a text from my agent Pat. I had layed it haphazard on the table. She reached over and aligned the phone. I moved it again and she straightened it. We repeated this five times until she lifted her fork.

"One more time, I dare you. I will stick it through your hand." She had a smile on her face but the look in her eyes told me she wasn't kidding.

"Okay" I conceded, amused that she took it so seriously.She dropped the fork. "Are you like that with everything?"

"No, not everything. Sometimes I like organized chaos. You know working in your own system."she stated shrugging her shoulders."other times I like like everything spick and span and where they should be. Like when I eat, and my office space, my cd/dvd/book collection is crazy organized, and so is my closet. I am not OCD. I am just particular."

"Mmmhmm." I said a little disbelieving.

"Whatever. Believe me. Don't believe me. It makes no differrence. Mr. I have to put on one side of my gear first, no one can touch my stick before practice after it's taped"

"I am no that bad."

She smirked in disbelief.

"Yeah okay." I agreed, as the waiter brought us our food. We ate and made light conversation, talking about our favorite Friends episodes. Around the end of dinner we decided to get some cheesecake to split it was her favorite and mine as well.

Just as she signed for the check, she insisted that she pay, which was a first. Most people, girls, dates or otherwise, always had this expectation for me to pay. It wasn't that I minded, money wasn't really an object, it was more the point of the matter. I looked up and saw through the front window a couple kissing, I had to do a double take to make sure but was that...


"Did you say something, Sid?" She questioned, grabbing her purse.

That Son of a Bitch. It isn't enough that he has one of the most incredible women in the world, but he has the audacity to cheat on her. My blood was boiling. I wanted to lay his ass out. I got up from the table, taking long angry strides out of the reastraunt. Reagan was jogging to keep up with me, confused by my actions, but I didn't care. She would be up to speed in a minute when she saw her piece of shit boyfriend.

"HEATH!" I bellowed.

He turned around looking startled. I didn't know what I wanted to say to him so I did the first thing to came to my mind. I swung and my fist connectected with his cheekbone. He staggered to the ground.

"SIDNEY"Somebody shreiked

God that felt good. I went to hit him again. But I felt someone grab my arm.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Reagan.

"Am I out of my mind? Your mad at me? Seriously?" Her face was blank.

"Give me your keys, I am driving." Normally I didn't let other poeple drive my car but she said it with such force I didn't argue. "Lynn, get Heath some help. I am so sorry. Lets go Sidney."

The car ride to Mellon was silent as death. Reagan refused to so much as look at me. She pulled into the parking spot next to her car and turned the car off, leaving her seatbelt buckled, just sitting there. The calm before the storm. She squeezed between her eyes like she had a tension headache. I went to say something but she cut me off.

"What happened? Was this past week just an act? Why do you hate him?Are you out of your mind? Why would you punch him? I.... don't get it." She finished a little lamely.

"How are you not mad at him?"

"Okay. You know what don't do that. Don't answer my question with a question."

"Reagan. How is it that I defend you and you are pissed off but that bastard cheats on you and he gets sympathy. How is that fucking fair. Please tell me. I like you. Okay. I do. I have since, I hit your car and waited that time with you at the hospital. You are the most beautiful infuriating woman I have ever met. I couldn't get up the nerve to ask you out at the hospital, and when you left I thought, damn it I am never gonna get that chance back. But then you showed up at Mellon and I went for it only to have it ruined by Heath. Then to make matter worse you didn't mention it again, so I figured you wanted nothing to do with me. So, I was pissed off and jealous and took it out on him. But I still wanted to be close to you, then when you asked me to be nice to him, I figured it was the only way to keep you around. So I did it. But, then tonight, I saw him with that girl and I just snapped, because he has you and I don't. I wanted to kill anyone who would waste their chance with you."

She started laughing, not a small laugh either, tears were streaming down her face.

"Great. I just poured my heart out and your laughing at me. Great Reagan."

She leaned her head against the steering wheel and took a deep breath.

"You make me so crazy. Do you know that?" She breathed.

"You like me?"


"That's why you've been horrible to Heath?"


"You hit heath because you saw him kissing that girl?"


"You are an Idiot."


"That wasn't a question. Sidney?"


"Heath and I aren't Heath and I. We never have been, we never will be, that girl he was with was my friend Lynn."

I am the worlds biggest ass, plain and simple.

"You mean your not together." I wanted to clarify that point.

"No we aren't togehter."she said smiling. "I must say now that I know you didn't hit him because your a raging lunatic its nice, the idea of someone defending my honor and all that non sense."

"Yeah, well."

She just leaned her head back against the head rest, I did the same.


"Yeah, reags?"

"I like you too."

"So, what do we do about that?" I questioned

"Tommorow is Saturday night. I am going to text you my address. you are going to show up promptly at seven with a big boquet of something that smells really good..."

"Pot roast?" I asked being a smart ass. She had mentioned it was one of her favorites.

"Yes, Sidney a big boquet of pot roast," she stated rolling her eyes at me"then we are going to go out and have a great time on our first date."


"Okay. I will see you at seven. Make sure to check your messages." She unbuckled her seatbelt and hopped out of the car.

"I am picking the reasturant though." I called through the window.

"Whatever" she yelled over shoulder, with that she got in her car and sped away.

I sat in the passenger seat for a moment with a huge smile on my face. Looks like I have a date to plan.