Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chapter 4- Something in the way she moves

Sidneys POV~

So she knew who I was. Oh well, in that two hours we spent together i had never felt more normal. Or more fustrated that gorgeous,stubborn, endearing woman was hard as hell to read. I thought she was going to kick the paramedic in the groin when they told her she had to go to the hospital. I loved how when she thoguht to herself she would spaceout and stare at a spot on the floor, and when she was embarrased pink would creep up into that creamy pale skin, and she would cross her arms in front of her, like a wall. I liked how she teased me just as easily as i teased her and how when i was close to her i felt like i was being heated to my toes, like drinking hot choclate afterbeing outside for a long time. It was nice that conversation could flow easily between us, and that when there was silence it wasn't uncomfortable, it was just that no one had anything to say, and we had only met two hours ago. I couldn't get her face out of my mind. Those eyes were like the night sky, sparkling and midnight blue. i snorted to myself. I had met her two hours ago by totaling her car and spilling coffee all over her, and now i was rambling poetic crap about her and I didn't even really know her. But I wanted to know her.

I got into my car and drove to the arena for practice, still mulling over this mornings events, unable to get reagan off my mind. I walked into the locker room and was immediatley bombarded with questions.

"Where the hell were you this morning? you were supposed to meet us for breakfast." demanded Talbot.

"Um, something came up, it slipped my mind, and i forgot to call" i said

"like a girl kind of something" Staal said wiggiling his eyebrows.

I snorted, '' not in the way you mean it."

"Couldn't get any, huh,Sid? Thats the problem with morning bootycalls, they have to be morning people." talbot said rambling

"Shut up,you idiot. I was driving home from that radio interview to pick something up before i met you guys and a a motorcycle cut me off and made me crash into some girl and total her car. My car was fine but the back of her car was completely smashed, so i got out to make sure she was okay."

"woah,woah,woah. Was she hot?" talbot asked as if this was of the upmost importance.

She was more than hot, she was beautiful. With her dark wavy hair and curvy body, my body tempeature rose about ten degrees just thinking about her. "Does it matter?"

"Thats a no"

I rolled my eyes and continued, "anyway she was pretty banged up so I took her to the hospital and waited with her until she was done. so , thats why i was late.'' shrugging my shoulders.

"Thats nice, man, that you did that most people would have driven off." earning approval from Guerin.

While everyone horsed around, I finished getting ready. Talbot, Staal, and I walked out together as we turned the corner to walk to the ice I immediatley crashed into someone. 2 for 2 today. When I looked down to help the person up I couldn't help but smile. You have got to be kidding me.


Heather said...

HAhaha!! Sidney is smitten! YAY!

amp87love! said...

this story is great !:) keep going !

Cathy said...

Great story so far!!!!!