Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chapter 5- Trampled Under Foot

I walked out front to see Lynn waiting for me and hopped in the SUV.

"Hey Lynn, thanks for picking me up I appreciate it. Do you think we could swing by my house so I could change before you drop me off at work."

"Sure thing girl, Are you okay? I don't know how you do it. Most people would be so rattle they couldn't go into work."

"What can I say, Momma's gotta bring home that Bacon." i said laughing, she just rolled her eyes and laughed. I clicked my seatbelt and she began to pull the car out when we came to a jerking hault.

"Jeez, Lynn. They already stiched my head up that I hit on the steering wheel. Do you want them to restitch it cause my crazy ass friend made me hit it on the dashboard."

"Would you shut up. turn around and look. Either I am crazy or that is Sidney Crosby walking out of here.What do you think he is doing here? I can't believe this, wow he is hot."

"He isn't a piece of meat Lynn" i said annoyed,"and how do even know that is him?"

"Your right, it would be crazy for him to be here, it must be someone that looks like him. And are you serious, not a piece of meat? I would like to sink my teeth into..."

"Lynn," i said in a sharp annoyed tone,"work, gotta go"

"Yeah,yeah,jeez,just trying to indulge in some girl talk. Lets go."

I sunk back in my seat relieved that she dropped it and we pulled out of the parking lot. Its not that I don't love Lynn to death and tell her everything, because normally, I do. And i know most girls would be shouting it from the roof tops if Sidney Crosby had just spent two hours with them. But i wanted to keep it to myself, a kind of special secret, that I could treasure. I know he just stayed with me to be nice because he felt bad about hitting my car, not because he actually liked me. But, i could not get him off my mind. He was so... I don't think there was a word to describe his perfection. I kept replaying everything over in my mind. The way it felt when he pulled me out of the car and pressed me to his chest,his smell, his eyes, his voice, the way he smirked with something amused him.

Finally we got to my house, and I straightened up my makeup and hair and changed into a black chiffon blouse. I am glad I have an extra car at my house. I kept the car my parents gave me when i was sixteen, this great jeep wrangler that looked like the one my dad drove when i was little. It would have to do until I could replace my other car. When I finally got to my job as an executive creative director at a marketing firm. I rushed into my bosses office.

"Mr.Wriler, I am so sorry I am late."

"Buckley, calm down, it's fine. Besides there is nothing you could have done these things happen. All that matters is that your healthy and here now."

I am thankful to have a boss like Jim Wriler. He had the apperance and prescence of a grandpa. Always calm, motivational, and understanding. I had only been out of college since the spring and working here since early summer and already work felt like a second family. That was in large part to Jim, he made his staff work together.

"Well, thanks Jim, for being so understanding. I will go back to my office and get to work on ideas to pitch for that meetingwith the potential client."

"Oh, Buckley, about that, there is no more meeting. They decideded to sign with us for marketing.They really like our work. So you and Heath are going to go over and meet with them today, kind of brainstorm, and get ideas, does that sound good.Diane left the information on your desk you need to be over there between 10:30-10:45"

"That sounds excellent Thank you Jim, I really appreciate the oppourtunity."

"Your a hardworker Reagan Buckley. Just show me you deserve it."

I went to go get the information and my stuff so I could meet up with Heath and leave. I walked into my office and picked up the manila folder with all the client information. When I looked down and read the sheet my jaw hit the floor.

Task Objective: The Wriler Corporation will be heading up the marketing, and Public Relation needs as it relates to marketing, of the Pittsburgh Penguins Organization and there part of the NHL franchise. This will include marketing the game, showing them actively involved in the community, and marketing the star players that have become global icons. Team leaders are as follows Reagan Buckley and Heath Graham. I expect top quality, this will be one of our biggest account, do your best.

- Jim Wriler

I must have looked like road runner trying to get out of my office. I ran to grab Heath so we could leave.

"Hey Graham Cracker, ready to go?" Heath Graham was one of my closest friends at the office, we knew each other through mutual friends. I must have looked like a spaz the way I was bouncing in anticipation. But I couldn't wait to get to Mellon. It meant I might get to see him.

"Woah, deep breaths there speedy mcgee, can you take it down a level or ten?"

"Sorry" I said taking a deep breath to wind my self down."Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, lets go Bucks."

We took his car, stopped for coffee and headed over to Mellon. On the way over he asked about the accident, and if i was okay, and who hit me. I gave him very generic ho-hum answers so he wouldn't dig for information. Once we got to the arena i put the war face on and got down to business, I knew this was a big account. After meeting with several suits, I began to wander the arena, taking pictures and trying to get ideas, while Heath sat down some where and figured up budgets. It is why we made such a good team, I did the creative thing, while he worked on the technical aspect. I was wondering around the hallways that led to the ice. I turned the corner and immediatley hit what felt like a brick wall covered in cloth. My coffee went everywhere, pages of notes were sent flying, my ankle was throbbing in pain. I looked up seeing a frenchman and a blonde jaw. But it was the third figure, the one that hit me ( again) that mattered most. I looked at him seeing a smile on his face. And the fact that I was sitting on the floor covered in coffee no longer mattered.