Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Chapter 3- Miracle Drug

Once we arrived at the hospital, i was given a room and told to wait. Sidney sat in the extra chair in the room, while i sat on the bed. I couldn't help but admire the sight of him he really was rather handsome. When he caught me staring i blushed furiously.

"so," he asked me, "is this an everday occourance?"

"Is what an everyday occourance?"

"Accident Proneness?"

" I am not Accident prone." Okay that is a lie.

"really?" He questioned raising an eyebrow." cause it kind of seems like your one of those girls who just naturally attract accidents.'' he said in a teasing tone.

"you met me all of one hour ago, and there hasn't been a whole lot of conversing how would you know?" i asked just as teasing.

" the signs"

"oh the signs" i said rolling my eyes in a joking way.'' so what your a hockey god and a yoda fortune tellar thing." he blushed at that. hmmm, add humble to his good traits along with cute and compassionate." So what are the signs?"

"well, your knees and elbows are completeley scarred up, you have what looks like a healing bruise on your jaw. You have a bandaid on your thumb. not to mention you just had your car totaled, your banged up, and coffee dumped all down the front of your shirt." his gaze leaving my face and lingering for a millisecond on my chest. i looked down to find that the coffee had rindered part of my blouse see through. great. i crossed my arms over my chest.

" Yeah, okay, i admit i am a little karma challenged."

"A Little?"

"Maybe a little more than a little. Enough about me what about you? Is THIS an everyday occourance?"i stated leaning forward putting my elbows on my knees.

"Is what an everyday occourance?" leaning into the same postiton trying to challenge me.

"Running young women off the road, wrecking there cars, then playing prince charming by escorting them to the hospital to be taken care of? Is that how you get all your girls?"

"i don't know...Is 'that' what i am doing? Trying to get you i mean?" he asked quirking an eyebrow.

"uh...i only...i mean.." i stammered and he leaned back and smirked. damn he was good. suddenly the door swung open and i was thankful for the interruption.

"Well, Ms. Buckley, I am Dr. Hubert," extending a hand to both sidney and I, "It says here you were in an accident now the paramedics are fairly confident you don't have a concussion. But they wanted you to get that gash on your head cleaned and stitched up. after we take care of that you and your boyfriend are free to leave."

"oh, he's not.."

"yeah, she and I aren't..."

"My apologies , you too certainly look like a couple. I just assumed.Well, lets get you stiched up here, and I am going to give you something for the pain."

"okay" I sat in silence as he stiched me up, while Sidney stepped out for a moment, before coming back in. When he was done, Dr. Hubert left to go get some paper work and I was once again left in silence with Sidney.

"How's your head?"

"It's fine now. Whatever he gave me is working."

"Thats good. Um, here is all my insurance information and contact stuff." he said handing me a piece of paper. "I called my insurance, whatever they don't cover and whatever yours doesn't cover, just give me a call and i will take care of the rest. "

"Sidney, you don't have to do that. you have done more than enoguh already, seriously most people would have just driven off. Not only did you pull over you stayed with me at the hospital."

"Well, your in luck I didn't have anything going on at work today." he joked

"Haha.Well aren't I... Oh my god, work. Crap!" I ran over a yanked my phone out of my purse 17 missed calls. Shit. I began texting furiously first off my boss, i explained what happened to him then I texted my friend Lynn to see if she could come pick me up. If i could leave in the next half hour i could be at work by 10:00. She responded to be out front and ready to go.

Dr. Hubert came in clearing me to go and handing me my prescription form.

"Call if you have any reactions to the medication, or begin experiencing any severe headaches."


I hopped up to leave and Sidney followed behind me. I turned around to face him.

"So, um Reagan, I was wondering if maybe,you would want to, um..."My phone began blaring like crazy. Lovely,Lynn was here. I looked up at him.


"nevermind." he said sheepishly.

"oh, okay, well i gotta go" gesturing towards the door." thanks for everything"

"yep. Bye Reagan Buckley."

I turned to look at him "Bye Sidney Crosby"

He just had this knowing grin on his face.