Thursday, December 3, 2009

Chapter 6- Another One Bites the Dust

Sidneys POV~

"We have to stop meeting like this, I mean my Dry cleaner appreciates the business, but it is wreaking havoc on my well being."

I just looked at her with an amused grin.Most girls would be freaking out over having coffee dumped all over them and being knocked down to their butts. Not her. She just smiled and came back with a smart ass quip. She had gumption.

"Hey this time it wasn't all my fault, you didn't see me either." Max and Gronk were utterly confused at how I knew this girl.

"It could have been worse, it could have been your car that hit me again."

It dawned on Max who she was, "Dude, I thought you said she wasn't hot."

I shot him a look that was absolutley murderous, as she turned a violent shade of red. I did not want her thinking that I thought that.

"I never said that you assumed.Now go away." I murmed out the side of my mouth. God,Max may be a good hockey player,but he had the tact of a nazi storm trooper. Max and Jordan went to get on the ice. I put out a hand for her to take, and pulled her up.

"I really am sorry about making you spill your coffee... again."

"It's okay." she said using me as leverage to pull herself up.She immediatley fell into me, wincing in pain.

"your hurt." i stated matter of factly. Pulling her warm,curvy frame closer to me. To steady her of course.

"It is just my ankle. I'll be fine." I looked down it resembeled that of an egg.

"Your not fine. Listen,why don't I take you to the team doctor."

"Well...I..." she stammered. I did not give her chance to talk I swooped her into my arms bride style and carried her down the hall. She just looked at me and smiled. God, that smile was infectious, and so was her smell, she smelled like vanilla and oranges, like a dreamsicle. I wanted to see if she tasted as good as she smelled. I walked into the medical room and called the doc in. He checked her out and was confident that it was nothing more than a sprain. He went to go grab an ice pack and an ace bandage.

"So..." I said.


"What are you doing at Mellon?"

"Um... Work. The company I work for is going to be doing your marketing campaign.So... yeah."

"Wow, so you will be here alot?" I asked trying to keep the hopefulness out of my voice.

"more than likely." she said, I swear I saw a twinkle in her eye. "Reagan, how old are you?"

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to ask a woman her age." she said teasing,but , I don't think she cared that I asked.

"She did, but what can I say, I am a rebel." she rolled her eyes at that.

"I'll bet"she retorted. She gave me a thoughtful glance. " I am Twenty-Two."

My age. That made me smile. I tried to think of small talk, anything to keep her talking. I said the first thing that came to my mind, " So you like coffee,eh?'' Gah, Idiot.

"Only with my air." she smiled. "Though admittedly I am fonder of drinking it rather than wearing it. Coffee and Coutre just don't go together." she laughed, poking fun at me. It made me smile. Most people were so concerned with being straight laced with me and never joking. It was nice to act like a normal person. I tried to think of something witty to say but all I could come up with was,


"It's okay." she said reaching down to adjust her shoe, just for something to do. She must of hit a nerve or something, because she winced in pain. I moved over to the table and sat down next to her proping her ankle up onto my leg.

"No, don't touch it, that will... wow" she said as I began to massage the swollen area.

"After my high ankle sprain, I learned a few tricks to relieve the pain." I looked up at her, to find she was staring back at me. Some how we managed to move closer, our heads tilting towards one another. My breath had caught in my throat, and I could tell hers had as well. I was close enough that I could count each eyelash if I wanted to and was able to tell she had flecks of green in her eyes. Her lips grazed mine and....

"Ha, found it one small ace bandage and an ice pack for the young lady." Doc shouted as he came in. Great. I just leaned back and groaned. She looked away as well, turning slightly pink, and taking her ankle off my leg.

"Thank you,sir, I really appreciate it." was all she said. We sat there, quiet, while doc wrapped her up. When he was finished he left and she began to gather her things to leave.

"Um, thanks for everything Sidney, I am sure I will see you around."

She stood up and began to hobble towards the doorway. It was now or never.

"REAGAN" I said a tad bit too loud.


"wouldumaybwannagooutwitme?" i managed to stammer out. She looked at me confused.

"Pardon me, I didn't catch all of that"

I took a deep breath, "Would you maybe wanna go out with me like on a date?"


"Reagan, there you are, I have been looking all over for you." A mans voice interrupted her. "My god are you okay. It has been a disaterous day for you hasn't it." The man came up and wrapped his arm around her. So thats what she thought, it had been disasterous. And to top it all off she had a boyfriend. Abso-fucking-lutley great. I wanted to rip that mans arms off.

"I gotta go." I stormed off to the ice. Ain't it always the way.


Anonymous said...

Poor sid :(
Cute sorry so far! I can't wait to see what happens with these two!

Cathy said...

aww poor Sid!!! Great update!! Can't wait to see what happens next with these two!!