Friday, December 18, 2009

Just a note

Hey, I am so excited. I finally got the Ipod up, so from now on I will post the songs that go with the chapters accordingly. Hoped you loved the new chapter and look for updates this weekend. bye all : )

- Jeyre87

Monday, December 14, 2009

Chapter 8- Hey Hey What Can I Do

Hey everyone, I think you will find this chapter be, interesting. I don't know if anyone watched Gilmore Girls but it is one of my favorite shows and there will be a lot of references to it in future chapters, I figured now would be as good a time as any to start. I only say this, because the references tend to come out of left field on that show as it is, making it hard to keep up or a little odd. Anywho, enjoy all, its kind of long : D

- Jeyre87

Sid POV~

What is the matter with me? I'm the worse person on the planet. I wanted to crawl in a hole. It was bad that I snapped at her, she did not deserve that. But the fact that I made her cry was so much worse. She made me so crazy, that beautiful, infuriating woman. Was she blind to the fact of how much I liked her? I shouldn't have yelled at her, that was obvious, but she kept going on and on about Heath. I couldn't take listening to her talk about another guy. I wanted to be the one she talked about that swept her off her feet. Every meeting with her and Heath was a bullet to the heart. They always said the same things at the same time, shot each other glances having wordless conversations, they were in sync. But, as painful as it was to watch them together, it was nothing compared to the knowledge that I had hurt her. I had to do something to make it up to her, a gesture to show her I cared. A peace offering. But what? I left the ice, thinking of what I could do. Apologize for starters and tell her I was being irrational. I wanted to do it tomorrow, that was for sure because we had Sunday off so I wouldn't see her until Monday. I was walking around the corner and saw 'him'. He was speaking to one of the Penguins Interns, otherwise known as coffee and errand runners for the big wigs.

"Hey John, Do you think tommorow we could order lunch a little earlier? Being stuck in those meetings is kind of draining."Aww. Poor Baby. The little shit needed to suck it up.

"Sure thing Heath. Order from the same place right?"

"Yeah, PF Changs is her favorite. She loves their Lettuce Wraps and Sweet And Sour chicken."

"and you?"

"I eat it because, when Reagan is happy every one is happy."

"Not a Chinese food guy?"

Not really." Weird, how can you not love chinese food? But I knew what I was going to do for her. I would surprise her with lunch tommorrow and apologize.... and I guess I could start being a little nicer to Heath. I strode around the corner, might as well start now. Heath took off in the opposite direction the minute he saw me. Man had I done a job on him, I snickered.

"Heath." He recoiled.

"Hello Mr. Crosby"

"Hey man, call me Sid" What was that cliche-- keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

"Oh, hey Sid." I could see it in his eyes. He thought I was fucking with him. He was just waiting for Mr. Hyde to return. Honestly, I was just trying to test wether I could be nice to him or not.

"So how is the campaign going?" I asked casually. This was easier than I thought. It was like having to act reserved in front of media.

"Good." He said hesitantly.

"well, that is good." We stood in akward silence. "Well, I gotta go but I'll see you tommorow, man."


"Later." That was alot easier than I thought it would be. I still wanted to kill him, because he had Reagan, and I didn't. But what can you do? I headed to the locker room so I could change and head home. A night of hanging out with the kids while Mario and Nathalie went out would serve as a nice distraction. I called PF Changs before I left to make sure the order would be ready for tomorrow and told John to cancel Reagans order that some of the guys were surprising her with lunch. Now all I had to do was wait for tomorrow to come, Saturday had never seemed so far away.


The next morning I woke up and went through the normal morning routine. When I drove into the arena for practice I was a little on edge. I was afraid that she was not even going to speak to me. I pulled into my regular space, signed for fans then headed inside. After reviewing some game tapes, it was time to head to my meeting with Reagan and Heath. I had two objectives heading into the meeting. 1) Seeing if she would talk to me and 2) Being nice to Heath. The last one was out neccessity of the first objective. As I headed down the hallway to the boardroom I saw her and Heath walking side by side. He put his arm around her when he saw me, in a very defensive manner. She no doubt had spoken to him about what I had said. I nodded at him acknowledging his prescence, a first. Then made eye contact with her. She held her gaze to mine for a moment. I decided to make the first move.

"Reagan" She turned her head in a very childish snubbing manner. She was dismissing me, and she was definatley mad. I just stared at the toe of my trainers as I walked into the room. Hopefully, she wouldn't be mad for long, as long as everything went according to plan.

The meeting went smoothly in regards to Heath. I was professional, polite, and pragmatic. I kind of had to be though, since he was the only one that would speak to me. Through out the entire meeting she would shoot me scathing looks. Max thought it was the funniest thing ever, and whenever he got the chance he would inquire as to what I had done to piss her off. I told him to shut up and after about the third time I shot him ' the look' and 'Max the Mouth' quieted. As we were leaving John the Intern came in with everyone's food. I hovered near the door to make sure everything went according to plan. Max looked at me and asked what I was doing.

"Nothing. Go ahead without me. I'll catch up with you."

"Whatever, man"

They began doling out the food. I bent down to 'tie my shoes'. As I listened to the conversation going on.

"Damn it" I heard her say.

"What"Heath's voice full of concern.

"My orders not in here."

"That is not possible"

"It is considering it is not in here."

"I can't believe those idiots messed up the order. We have gotten the same thing like four times this week. "

"Whatever. It's fine" She said exasperated.

"Do you want some of mine?"

"No. I'll figure something else out. I am going to work in the other room. Come find me if you need me."


She strode out of the room. Ha! Success! Part 1. Check. Now to go find John and get her lunch before she ordered something else. Man, I have never put this much effort into a girl.

I went and got her order from John and then went to find her. I peeked into all the vacated board rooms and found her sitting indian style on top of the table with paper work all around her. Her eyes had gone navy blue from fierce concentration, and her tounge was sticking out from between her gorgeous plush lips. Her creamy white skin was in stark contrast to the dark thick locks that were piled into a messy bun on the top of her head. It accentuated the long curve of her neck down to her ample chest, where two buttons had been undone making a hint of black lace visible. God. It made it hard to focus on anything else. I wanted to throw her down on that table and have my way with her, until she was begging, no screaming for more. A tangle of sweaty sexy limbs. Heat traveled straight to my groin and I never wanted a woman more in my life.

"What do you want?" Her voice snapping at me, helped me refocus. I looked at her, my face blank for a moment before regaining my composure. She was on the defense her arms were crossed and her jaw was locked. She had her head cocked sideways in that attitude filled way that only a woman can achieve.

"I came to apologize..."

"For being ass."

"Yes, for being an ass. And for..."

"because you were."

"I know"

"And whats worse is that I didn't do anything to..."


Silence. Finally.

"You do understand, that when a person comes to apologize that it is customary to actually let them apologize, not just you interrupting them. Now listen." I took a deep breath." I am so sorry. I really am. I didn't mean anything I said yesterday. I do care about you and what you think and say. I was overwhelmed and I was taking displaced anger out on you. You were also right that Heath didn't deserve to be treated the way I was treating him. That was wrong and I will try to work on being nicer on him. I tried to put an honest effort in today, and will continue to put that effort in. Bottom line, Reagan, I screw up. I screwed up and I hurt you. Which was not something I ever wanted to do if I ever wanted a close friendship with you, and I will not let it happen again. Okay?"

"Apology, accepted."


"Yeah" She smiled."What's in the bag?" she inquired.

"Lunch." I replied with a sly smile. "I overheard that they forgot yours, and when I discovered that they had doubled my order by accident, I decided to use it as a peace offering."

"Hmmm, cute, talented, and clever. I believe it is the tri-fecta. So what is for lunch?"

"PF Changs. Chicken Lettuce Wraps and Sweet and Sour Chicken. Sound Good?"

"Are you kidding me? That's my favorite, I would give up my first born for it." She said, grinning from ear to ear. I tried as best I could to keep a straight face.

"Well, good. Wouldn't want you to be mal-nourished or anything." Handing her an order of the food. She took, her eyes as big as saucers. We sat and talked the entire time, I found out that she was just as obessed with Friends as I was. She also loved movies with a somewhat twisted sense of humor, that she loved to read, and hockey was her favorite sport in the world besides swimming. It was nice to spend time with her. I told her that on Monday, since I would be here around the same time that I would pick up lunch. We decided on a deli that wasn't to far away and that I would pick it up on my way in.

Sunday was a long day. The boys and I got together and went to grab a bite then hung out. But I couldn't get her off my mind. I tried to join in the fun, but just couldn't get into it. The boys could tell something was off, but no one really questioned it. They knew I wouldn't talk about it unless I wanted to.

Finally, it was Monday, the day started off great. I got through all my interviews. The game tapes that needed to be reviewed were finished, and I was on my way to grab lunch for Reags and me , before practice started. Lunch went pretty much the same as on Saturday, and we decided to make it a regular thing for the week.

Everyday, for the rest of the week, we would sit in an empty board room and meet up for lunch. We talked, got to know each others likes and dislikes. She even asked my opinion on the campaign. She decided that the organization would do a both a hard hitting in your face campaign to draw in an older more experienced fan base, and profiles that would be based from childhood until now and what it took to make it to the NHL. She was a very intelligent person, it was nice to get away from those dipshit puckbunnies that were always hanging around. They wouldn't know an independent thought if it hit them in the head. Once again, she was different.

I loved these lunches, next week started pre-season meaning my schedule got even crazier, so this time with her was precious. Unfortunatley, I discovered thursday afternoon that I would have to miss our lunch Friday for a media confrence. When I texted her, she said that was fine and that she understood. She even suggested that we have an early dinner friday after work (as friends of course) to make up for it. Not Exactly what I had been hoping for, I shouldn't be hoping for anything she has a boyfriend, but it was a step in the right direction. We agreed to meet up outside of the Igloo around four. I would drive, and we would come back and get her car.

Later, at the end of the day, I waited by my car for her. She was looking friday casual, in khaki slacks and a blue cardigan that brought out her eyes, and her hair was swept into a ponytail. She looked pretty. We rode over to the restraunt, listening and occasionally singing along to some eighties rock station. She had a much better voice than I did, not that that was hard. We went to this little Mom and Pop Italian Reasturant and sat in the back out of sight from everyone but still able to see everything.

I don't think I can stress how entertaining it is to watch her eat. People have made fun of me for being a little OCD for a while, but this was hilarious. God forbid the the utensils not be aligned properly, or the napkin be folded on its crease. I had sat my phome on the table at one point because I was expecting a text from my agent Pat. I had layed it haphazard on the table. She reached over and aligned the phone. I moved it again and she straightened it. We repeated this five times until she lifted her fork.

"One more time, I dare you. I will stick it through your hand." She had a smile on her face but the look in her eyes told me she wasn't kidding.

"Okay" I conceded, amused that she took it so seriously.She dropped the fork. "Are you like that with everything?"

"No, not everything. Sometimes I like organized chaos. You know working in your own system."she stated shrugging her shoulders."other times I like like everything spick and span and where they should be. Like when I eat, and my office space, my cd/dvd/book collection is crazy organized, and so is my closet. I am not OCD. I am just particular."

"Mmmhmm." I said a little disbelieving.

"Whatever. Believe me. Don't believe me. It makes no differrence. Mr. I have to put on one side of my gear first, no one can touch my stick before practice after it's taped"

"I am no that bad."

She smirked in disbelief.

"Yeah okay." I agreed, as the waiter brought us our food. We ate and made light conversation, talking about our favorite Friends episodes. Around the end of dinner we decided to get some cheesecake to split it was her favorite and mine as well.

Just as she signed for the check, she insisted that she pay, which was a first. Most people, girls, dates or otherwise, always had this expectation for me to pay. It wasn't that I minded, money wasn't really an object, it was more the point of the matter. I looked up and saw through the front window a couple kissing, I had to do a double take to make sure but was that...


"Did you say something, Sid?" She questioned, grabbing her purse.

That Son of a Bitch. It isn't enough that he has one of the most incredible women in the world, but he has the audacity to cheat on her. My blood was boiling. I wanted to lay his ass out. I got up from the table, taking long angry strides out of the reastraunt. Reagan was jogging to keep up with me, confused by my actions, but I didn't care. She would be up to speed in a minute when she saw her piece of shit boyfriend.

"HEATH!" I bellowed.

He turned around looking startled. I didn't know what I wanted to say to him so I did the first thing to came to my mind. I swung and my fist connectected with his cheekbone. He staggered to the ground.

"SIDNEY"Somebody shreiked

God that felt good. I went to hit him again. But I felt someone grab my arm.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Reagan.

"Am I out of my mind? Your mad at me? Seriously?" Her face was blank.

"Give me your keys, I am driving." Normally I didn't let other poeple drive my car but she said it with such force I didn't argue. "Lynn, get Heath some help. I am so sorry. Lets go Sidney."

The car ride to Mellon was silent as death. Reagan refused to so much as look at me. She pulled into the parking spot next to her car and turned the car off, leaving her seatbelt buckled, just sitting there. The calm before the storm. She squeezed between her eyes like she had a tension headache. I went to say something but she cut me off.

"What happened? Was this past week just an act? Why do you hate him?Are you out of your mind? Why would you punch him? I.... don't get it." She finished a little lamely.

"How are you not mad at him?"

"Okay. You know what don't do that. Don't answer my question with a question."

"Reagan. How is it that I defend you and you are pissed off but that bastard cheats on you and he gets sympathy. How is that fucking fair. Please tell me. I like you. Okay. I do. I have since, I hit your car and waited that time with you at the hospital. You are the most beautiful infuriating woman I have ever met. I couldn't get up the nerve to ask you out at the hospital, and when you left I thought, damn it I am never gonna get that chance back. But then you showed up at Mellon and I went for it only to have it ruined by Heath. Then to make matter worse you didn't mention it again, so I figured you wanted nothing to do with me. So, I was pissed off and jealous and took it out on him. But I still wanted to be close to you, then when you asked me to be nice to him, I figured it was the only way to keep you around. So I did it. But, then tonight, I saw him with that girl and I just snapped, because he has you and I don't. I wanted to kill anyone who would waste their chance with you."

She started laughing, not a small laugh either, tears were streaming down her face.

"Great. I just poured my heart out and your laughing at me. Great Reagan."

She leaned her head against the steering wheel and took a deep breath.

"You make me so crazy. Do you know that?" She breathed.

"You like me?"


"That's why you've been horrible to Heath?"


"You hit heath because you saw him kissing that girl?"


"You are an Idiot."


"That wasn't a question. Sidney?"


"Heath and I aren't Heath and I. We never have been, we never will be, that girl he was with was my friend Lynn."

I am the worlds biggest ass, plain and simple.

"You mean your not together." I wanted to clarify that point.

"No we aren't togehter."she said smiling. "I must say now that I know you didn't hit him because your a raging lunatic its nice, the idea of someone defending my honor and all that non sense."

"Yeah, well."

She just leaned her head back against the head rest, I did the same.


"Yeah, reags?"

"I like you too."

"So, what do we do about that?" I questioned

"Tommorow is Saturday night. I am going to text you my address. you are going to show up promptly at seven with a big boquet of something that smells really good..."

"Pot roast?" I asked being a smart ass. She had mentioned it was one of her favorites.

"Yes, Sidney a big boquet of pot roast," she stated rolling her eyes at me"then we are going to go out and have a great time on our first date."


"Okay. I will see you at seven. Make sure to check your messages." She unbuckled her seatbelt and hopped out of the car.

"I am picking the reasturant though." I called through the window.

"Whatever" she yelled over shoulder, with that she got in her car and sped away.

I sat in the passenger seat for a moment with a huge smile on my face. Looks like I have a date to plan.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Just a Note

Hey everyone,

Just a note, I really appreciate the comments. I love them and I love feedback, I feel one of the only ways to grow as a writer is to get the readers opinion. I am so excited to be wrting this story i have been following alot of writers for some time. I am trying to figure out what all I can do with the blogger. I don't know how big everyone is into music but, other than hockey, music is another passion of mine. I caome from a very musical family. So if you have caught on, all my chapters are song titles. The songs are all great songs that I love, they may not necessarily be directly related to the story but the titles wording fits the chapter so I pick it. Sometimes, the sond fits the mood of the chapter and thats why I pick it. I highly reccomend that if you have never heard one of the songs, you listen to it. Anyway, thanks for all the support, I am excited, escpecially because my schedule is begining to calm down. More time to write!


p.s.- piece of my heart is a reference to the Janis Joplin version. I am a 60's and 70's girl what can I say.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Chapter 7- Hot n' Cold

"Damn it Heath"



"What did I do, other than being a good friend and asking about your well being. And what the hell was Sidney Crosby doing with you. Do you know him?"

"He was who hit me. He took me to the hospital. He spent the entire morning with me. He spent the entire time talking to me. He was the one that ran into me again,hurting my ankle. He got me help again. He almost kissed me. He asked me out. Then you and your impeccable timing ruined it before I had the chance to say yes.Ugh." I knew I was being irrationally angry, Heath didn't know. But god, an incredible guy just asked me out, then Heath showed up and he disappeared quicker than Houdini, and he seemed angry. Heath looked absolutley dumbfounded as he tried to abosrb this information.

"Sorry." Heath shrugged his shoulders.Ugh. What is that like the universal guy word today 'sorry'? And that tone of voice, that causal indifferent tone, it didn't matter to him.

"We have one more meeting here, the team should be done with practice around the time we're finished. Why don't you go find him and give him an answer." Heath suggested, my guess is that he did this to calm my irrational behavior and get me to lower my shoulders that were so tensed up I could be wearing them as earrings.

"You know what I think I will." I waited until after the meeting was done and went to go find Sidney. I saw him walking out of the locker room and already half-way down the hall.

"Sid, slow down, no fair your legs are like five inches longer than mine." He came to a halt,and turned waiting till I was standing next to him. His look was in stark contradiction to everything I had seen from him earlier, it had the defensive reclusiveness of someone who did not want to be bothered. The warm melted honey in his eyes had frozen into perfectly concentric blocks of amber.It remined me of the interviews I had seen him do-- lifeless.

"About this Morning..." I began, but he raised a hand and cut me off.

"Forget it Reagan."

"Oh. Are...are you sure?" trying my best to hide the disappointment.

"Yeah. I am sure. It was an honest mistake. I didn't... Anyway,it's probably better, since you will be working here and probably working with me. So it is for the best." he said shrugging it off,in a weary tone.

"yeah,your right." crushed. i was absolutley crushed.

"So..friends." he held out his rough calloused hand awkwardly.

"Yeah." i said taking it gingerly."I'll see you around."


Through the next week, every run in with Sidney brought some gradual easy. I felt like a little kid trying to get to the center of tootsie pop. How many licks did it take? How many meetings would it take to be friends? We were friendly towards each other, we said exchanged salutations, it was formal but it was a step in the right direction. It was good that we were able to move past the everything so quickly, or at the very least sweep it under the rug to be cleaned up later, because we were going to begin player meetings soon for profiles. Which meant being locked in room for hours a couple times a week.

I played it cool, and so did he. What struck me as odd was that as nice as Sidney was to me he was a heinous depraved barbarian to Heath. The only way for me to describe his expression when he was around Heath, Sidney would look like an animal ready for the kill; raised hackles, barred teeth, and a stare that could put a hole through reinforced steel. He reverted back to caveman speak, grunts and one word answers when Heath spoke to him about anything. If it was a full sentence it was of the most condescending nature imaginable. After several incidents of this, Heath mentioned something about it to me. Heath was afraid of Sidney, which I had to admit made me laugh. I have been watching Sidney play ice hockey forever, and while he held his own when need be, he was not an intimidating guy. When it pertained to fighting at least. Another thing that confused me was the behavior, Sidney got along with everyone. Everyone. It could be Joe Schmoe or the President of the World. He was a charasmatic, good ol' boy. He was a sweet heart, who cared about people. But apparently, Heath wasn't a person, and I wanted to know why he didn't qualify.

My curiosity got the better of meand one day while finishing up a meeting with Sidney and Max, who was begining to grow on me in the few short days i had been here. I decided to get some answers. Sidney rushed out of the room the minute the meeting was done to 'enjoy' yet another media frenzy. The camera loved him, but it was a one sided affair. It left Max and I to stare at the clinical white walls above one anothers head. Max got up from the mahogany confrence table to leave, as i sat there clicking my ball point pen.


"Yeah, Reags"

"Is Sidney... Does he... Why is he being a jack ass to heath?"

"Its nothing personal"

"Umph. ugh." I stuttered looking for words."Your yanking my dick?"He looked shocked at my crudeness. What can I say I grew up around Marines these were everyday words of my childhood, every now and then they slipped. He recovered quickly.

"No wanna pull mine." waggling his eyebrows vaudevillian style. He saw my distress and apologized. "I was just kidding."

"I know, its not that, I can handle a baffoon like you.It is the fact that you didn't answer my question."

"Hphh. Well, the awnswer to your question is that if you really don't know why Sidney dislikes Heath then you don't deserve to have someone tell you. Another thing, if you want him to be nice just ask him, he won't like it but he will do it for you." With that he pulled himself up from the faded twill chair and strode towards the door.

"Reagan" Poking his head in the door frame. "Belle mais naifs."

Beautiful but Naive. And to all those who laughed and took spanish when I took french. "when are you ever gonna use that reagan?" Whose laughin' now buddy? The question now was, what did he mean?

I mulled over our converstation. I still had no clue what Max had been talking about? Maybe thats why they call him mad max, because he is out of his mind. I couldn't make much progress on that, but I decided to address the one problem I could fix.

At the end of the day before I left, I set out looking for Sidney, praying he hadn't left yet. I went into the players lounge and ran into,literally,Marc-Andre Fleury or Flower. Flower, who was an absolute sweet heart, told me he had gotten back on the ice. I thanked him and redirected myself towards the ice.

I froze in my tracks at the image in front of me, my heart swelled and my breath caught in my throat. Sidney was where Marc said he'd be, on the ice. I realized then how much he loved the game. He looked like a kid. He had a pile of pucks sitting near him. He was not wearing a helmet and his dark brown curls were matted down. His normally pale cheeks were aflame with rosy color, like a child coming in from playing in the snow. He finally accomplished a trick that i assume he had been working on before I arrived, and a million watt smile that could have powered new york city lit up his face. It was so powerful it had me smiling.

"Well done" I said walking out onto ice. He looked up with a startled but pleased expression.

"Thank You"

"Mmmhmmm" We just stood like that for a million hour minute, in transcendent silence. I loved that about him I didn't have to talk, we could just be in the moment together and without forced conversation about frivoulous things i was bound to forget. Chit-chat.

"Why are you still here? Everyone already left like an hour ago, others than those going over tapes." I asked walking over to the bench o sit on the boards. I slipped but didn't fall. High heels and Ice don't mix.

"You okay? Those shoes are a death-trap out here, especially considering who is in them."

"I can manage." I said, smiling that we had thought the same thing. Upon reaching my destination, I propped myself up on the boards. Sid glided over to me, and sat down beside me.

"Please, I have never met a woman that spends more time on her back than you." I just smirked and quirked an eyebrow on him.

" like... not what i meant." he stammered."Damn it, you know what i meant." He said flustered. Another thing I liked about him, he may be just another red-blooded male in the locker room, talking about beer and bikini babes or whatever the hell they talk about, but in front of women he was a complete gentleman.

"I know." Giving him a chesire cat smile."You didn't answer my question by the way."

"Which was?"

"Why are you still here"

"I had somethings I wanted to work on." He said plainly.

"Your dedication never ceases to amaze me"

"We suffer for our art." Leave it to him to compare sports to art, though in all honest it was the he played. "Why are you still here?"

Oh, I had completely forgotten about the orginal reason I had sought him out."Looking for you actually."



"How about that. Well what can I assisst you with?"

"It is about Heath." Flared nostrils, locked jaw, narrowed eyes, and the frozen icy amber was back.

"What about him?" he said in a short tone.

"Sidney I like you, so I mean this in the nicest way possible, you are a brutish condescending jackass to Heath, and he has not done anything o my knowledge or his to deserve that treatment." He did not like being called out on this particular isssue, the look on his face told me that, but I continued anyway. "Besides, it doesn't seem like you to act like this. You are always so sweet. He doesn't deserve this, if you could maybe be a little nicer to him or at the very least cordigial, I think it would help, and I would really appreciate it."

"Reagan just stop. Stop acting like you know me. I hate when people act like they know me. That is all I am ever around is people thinking they know everything. Well you don't okay, you don't know anything, you don't understand anything, you don't get it. Don't fucking tell me, what some other fucking guy fucking deserves, just fucking don't. I will treat him the way I want to fucking treat him. If that hurts his fucking feelings, well then tough shit. And what does it fucking matter if you will appreciate it." his eyes were murderous.

I was... flabergasted. I was feeling about fifty different things, the most prominent was hurt. I could not believe Sidney had snapped at me like that or what had warranted it. Hot tears streamed downed the contours of my pale face, hitting the glassy surface to form little crytal droplets.

"Reagan" His voice filled with, concern?

"I thought we were becoming friends thats why you would care if I would appreciate it. But, I guess not." I stated, my voice barely above a whisper. I was not one to scream when I was mad, I was just cold and withdrawn. I got up to leave.

"Reagan..." I could tell the explantation was about to follow but I had no interest. I glanced over my shoulder.

"Screw you, Sidney. One less person you have to worry about thinking they know you or speaking to you for that matter.''

With that I strode off the ice to leave.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Chapter 6- Another One Bites the Dust

Sidneys POV~

"We have to stop meeting like this, I mean my Dry cleaner appreciates the business, but it is wreaking havoc on my well being."

I just looked at her with an amused grin.Most girls would be freaking out over having coffee dumped all over them and being knocked down to their butts. Not her. She just smiled and came back with a smart ass quip. She had gumption.

"Hey this time it wasn't all my fault, you didn't see me either." Max and Gronk were utterly confused at how I knew this girl.

"It could have been worse, it could have been your car that hit me again."

It dawned on Max who she was, "Dude, I thought you said she wasn't hot."

I shot him a look that was absolutley murderous, as she turned a violent shade of red. I did not want her thinking that I thought that.

"I never said that you assumed.Now go away." I murmed out the side of my mouth. God,Max may be a good hockey player,but he had the tact of a nazi storm trooper. Max and Jordan went to get on the ice. I put out a hand for her to take, and pulled her up.

"I really am sorry about making you spill your coffee... again."

"It's okay." she said using me as leverage to pull herself up.She immediatley fell into me, wincing in pain.

"your hurt." i stated matter of factly. Pulling her warm,curvy frame closer to me. To steady her of course.

"It is just my ankle. I'll be fine." I looked down it resembeled that of an egg.

"Your not fine. Listen,why don't I take you to the team doctor."

"Well...I..." she stammered. I did not give her chance to talk I swooped her into my arms bride style and carried her down the hall. She just looked at me and smiled. God, that smile was infectious, and so was her smell, she smelled like vanilla and oranges, like a dreamsicle. I wanted to see if she tasted as good as she smelled. I walked into the medical room and called the doc in. He checked her out and was confident that it was nothing more than a sprain. He went to go grab an ice pack and an ace bandage.

"So..." I said.


"What are you doing at Mellon?"

"Um... Work. The company I work for is going to be doing your marketing campaign.So... yeah."

"Wow, so you will be here alot?" I asked trying to keep the hopefulness out of my voice.

"more than likely." she said, I swear I saw a twinkle in her eye. "Reagan, how old are you?"

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to ask a woman her age." she said teasing,but , I don't think she cared that I asked.

"She did, but what can I say, I am a rebel." she rolled her eyes at that.

"I'll bet"she retorted. She gave me a thoughtful glance. " I am Twenty-Two."

My age. That made me smile. I tried to think of small talk, anything to keep her talking. I said the first thing that came to my mind, " So you like coffee,eh?'' Gah, Idiot.

"Only with my air." she smiled. "Though admittedly I am fonder of drinking it rather than wearing it. Coffee and Coutre just don't go together." she laughed, poking fun at me. It made me smile. Most people were so concerned with being straight laced with me and never joking. It was nice to act like a normal person. I tried to think of something witty to say but all I could come up with was,


"It's okay." she said reaching down to adjust her shoe, just for something to do. She must of hit a nerve or something, because she winced in pain. I moved over to the table and sat down next to her proping her ankle up onto my leg.

"No, don't touch it, that will... wow" she said as I began to massage the swollen area.

"After my high ankle sprain, I learned a few tricks to relieve the pain." I looked up at her, to find she was staring back at me. Some how we managed to move closer, our heads tilting towards one another. My breath had caught in my throat, and I could tell hers had as well. I was close enough that I could count each eyelash if I wanted to and was able to tell she had flecks of green in her eyes. Her lips grazed mine and....

"Ha, found it one small ace bandage and an ice pack for the young lady." Doc shouted as he came in. Great. I just leaned back and groaned. She looked away as well, turning slightly pink, and taking her ankle off my leg.

"Thank you,sir, I really appreciate it." was all she said. We sat there, quiet, while doc wrapped her up. When he was finished he left and she began to gather her things to leave.

"Um, thanks for everything Sidney, I am sure I will see you around."

She stood up and began to hobble towards the doorway. It was now or never.

"REAGAN" I said a tad bit too loud.


"wouldumaybwannagooutwitme?" i managed to stammer out. She looked at me confused.

"Pardon me, I didn't catch all of that"

I took a deep breath, "Would you maybe wanna go out with me like on a date?"


"Reagan, there you are, I have been looking all over for you." A mans voice interrupted her. "My god are you okay. It has been a disaterous day for you hasn't it." The man came up and wrapped his arm around her. So thats what she thought, it had been disasterous. And to top it all off she had a boyfriend. Abso-fucking-lutley great. I wanted to rip that mans arms off.

"I gotta go." I stormed off to the ice. Ain't it always the way.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chapter 5- Trampled Under Foot

I walked out front to see Lynn waiting for me and hopped in the SUV.

"Hey Lynn, thanks for picking me up I appreciate it. Do you think we could swing by my house so I could change before you drop me off at work."

"Sure thing girl, Are you okay? I don't know how you do it. Most people would be so rattle they couldn't go into work."

"What can I say, Momma's gotta bring home that Bacon." i said laughing, she just rolled her eyes and laughed. I clicked my seatbelt and she began to pull the car out when we came to a jerking hault.

"Jeez, Lynn. They already stiched my head up that I hit on the steering wheel. Do you want them to restitch it cause my crazy ass friend made me hit it on the dashboard."

"Would you shut up. turn around and look. Either I am crazy or that is Sidney Crosby walking out of here.What do you think he is doing here? I can't believe this, wow he is hot."

"He isn't a piece of meat Lynn" i said annoyed,"and how do even know that is him?"

"Your right, it would be crazy for him to be here, it must be someone that looks like him. And are you serious, not a piece of meat? I would like to sink my teeth into..."

"Lynn," i said in a sharp annoyed tone,"work, gotta go"

"Yeah,yeah,jeez,just trying to indulge in some girl talk. Lets go."

I sunk back in my seat relieved that she dropped it and we pulled out of the parking lot. Its not that I don't love Lynn to death and tell her everything, because normally, I do. And i know most girls would be shouting it from the roof tops if Sidney Crosby had just spent two hours with them. But i wanted to keep it to myself, a kind of special secret, that I could treasure. I know he just stayed with me to be nice because he felt bad about hitting my car, not because he actually liked me. But, i could not get him off my mind. He was so... I don't think there was a word to describe his perfection. I kept replaying everything over in my mind. The way it felt when he pulled me out of the car and pressed me to his chest,his smell, his eyes, his voice, the way he smirked with something amused him.

Finally we got to my house, and I straightened up my makeup and hair and changed into a black chiffon blouse. I am glad I have an extra car at my house. I kept the car my parents gave me when i was sixteen, this great jeep wrangler that looked like the one my dad drove when i was little. It would have to do until I could replace my other car. When I finally got to my job as an executive creative director at a marketing firm. I rushed into my bosses office.

"Mr.Wriler, I am so sorry I am late."

"Buckley, calm down, it's fine. Besides there is nothing you could have done these things happen. All that matters is that your healthy and here now."

I am thankful to have a boss like Jim Wriler. He had the apperance and prescence of a grandpa. Always calm, motivational, and understanding. I had only been out of college since the spring and working here since early summer and already work felt like a second family. That was in large part to Jim, he made his staff work together.

"Well, thanks Jim, for being so understanding. I will go back to my office and get to work on ideas to pitch for that meetingwith the potential client."

"Oh, Buckley, about that, there is no more meeting. They decideded to sign with us for marketing.They really like our work. So you and Heath are going to go over and meet with them today, kind of brainstorm, and get ideas, does that sound good.Diane left the information on your desk you need to be over there between 10:30-10:45"

"That sounds excellent Thank you Jim, I really appreciate the oppourtunity."

"Your a hardworker Reagan Buckley. Just show me you deserve it."

I went to go get the information and my stuff so I could meet up with Heath and leave. I walked into my office and picked up the manila folder with all the client information. When I looked down and read the sheet my jaw hit the floor.

Task Objective: The Wriler Corporation will be heading up the marketing, and Public Relation needs as it relates to marketing, of the Pittsburgh Penguins Organization and there part of the NHL franchise. This will include marketing the game, showing them actively involved in the community, and marketing the star players that have become global icons. Team leaders are as follows Reagan Buckley and Heath Graham. I expect top quality, this will be one of our biggest account, do your best.

- Jim Wriler

I must have looked like road runner trying to get out of my office. I ran to grab Heath so we could leave.

"Hey Graham Cracker, ready to go?" Heath Graham was one of my closest friends at the office, we knew each other through mutual friends. I must have looked like a spaz the way I was bouncing in anticipation. But I couldn't wait to get to Mellon. It meant I might get to see him.

"Woah, deep breaths there speedy mcgee, can you take it down a level or ten?"

"Sorry" I said taking a deep breath to wind my self down."Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, lets go Bucks."

We took his car, stopped for coffee and headed over to Mellon. On the way over he asked about the accident, and if i was okay, and who hit me. I gave him very generic ho-hum answers so he wouldn't dig for information. Once we got to the arena i put the war face on and got down to business, I knew this was a big account. After meeting with several suits, I began to wander the arena, taking pictures and trying to get ideas, while Heath sat down some where and figured up budgets. It is why we made such a good team, I did the creative thing, while he worked on the technical aspect. I was wondering around the hallways that led to the ice. I turned the corner and immediatley hit what felt like a brick wall covered in cloth. My coffee went everywhere, pages of notes were sent flying, my ankle was throbbing in pain. I looked up seeing a frenchman and a blonde jaw. But it was the third figure, the one that hit me ( again) that mattered most. I looked at him seeing a smile on his face. And the fact that I was sitting on the floor covered in coffee no longer mattered.

Chapter 4- Something in the way she moves

Sidneys POV~

So she knew who I was. Oh well, in that two hours we spent together i had never felt more normal. Or more fustrated that gorgeous,stubborn, endearing woman was hard as hell to read. I thought she was going to kick the paramedic in the groin when they told her she had to go to the hospital. I loved how when she thoguht to herself she would spaceout and stare at a spot on the floor, and when she was embarrased pink would creep up into that creamy pale skin, and she would cross her arms in front of her, like a wall. I liked how she teased me just as easily as i teased her and how when i was close to her i felt like i was being heated to my toes, like drinking hot choclate afterbeing outside for a long time. It was nice that conversation could flow easily between us, and that when there was silence it wasn't uncomfortable, it was just that no one had anything to say, and we had only met two hours ago. I couldn't get her face out of my mind. Those eyes were like the night sky, sparkling and midnight blue. i snorted to myself. I had met her two hours ago by totaling her car and spilling coffee all over her, and now i was rambling poetic crap about her and I didn't even really know her. But I wanted to know her.

I got into my car and drove to the arena for practice, still mulling over this mornings events, unable to get reagan off my mind. I walked into the locker room and was immediatley bombarded with questions.

"Where the hell were you this morning? you were supposed to meet us for breakfast." demanded Talbot.

"Um, something came up, it slipped my mind, and i forgot to call" i said

"like a girl kind of something" Staal said wiggiling his eyebrows.

I snorted, '' not in the way you mean it."

"Couldn't get any, huh,Sid? Thats the problem with morning bootycalls, they have to be morning people." talbot said rambling

"Shut up,you idiot. I was driving home from that radio interview to pick something up before i met you guys and a a motorcycle cut me off and made me crash into some girl and total her car. My car was fine but the back of her car was completely smashed, so i got out to make sure she was okay."

"woah,woah,woah. Was she hot?" talbot asked as if this was of the upmost importance.

She was more than hot, she was beautiful. With her dark wavy hair and curvy body, my body tempeature rose about ten degrees just thinking about her. "Does it matter?"

"Thats a no"

I rolled my eyes and continued, "anyway she was pretty banged up so I took her to the hospital and waited with her until she was done. so , thats why i was late.'' shrugging my shoulders.

"Thats nice, man, that you did that most people would have driven off." earning approval from Guerin.

While everyone horsed around, I finished getting ready. Talbot, Staal, and I walked out together as we turned the corner to walk to the ice I immediatley crashed into someone. 2 for 2 today. When I looked down to help the person up I couldn't help but smile. You have got to be kidding me.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Chapter 3- Miracle Drug

Once we arrived at the hospital, i was given a room and told to wait. Sidney sat in the extra chair in the room, while i sat on the bed. I couldn't help but admire the sight of him he really was rather handsome. When he caught me staring i blushed furiously.

"so," he asked me, "is this an everday occourance?"

"Is what an everyday occourance?"

"Accident Proneness?"

" I am not Accident prone." Okay that is a lie.

"really?" He questioned raising an eyebrow." cause it kind of seems like your one of those girls who just naturally attract accidents.'' he said in a teasing tone.

"you met me all of one hour ago, and there hasn't been a whole lot of conversing how would you know?" i asked just as teasing.

" the signs"

"oh the signs" i said rolling my eyes in a joking way.'' so what your a hockey god and a yoda fortune tellar thing." he blushed at that. hmmm, add humble to his good traits along with cute and compassionate." So what are the signs?"

"well, your knees and elbows are completeley scarred up, you have what looks like a healing bruise on your jaw. You have a bandaid on your thumb. not to mention you just had your car totaled, your banged up, and coffee dumped all down the front of your shirt." his gaze leaving my face and lingering for a millisecond on my chest. i looked down to find that the coffee had rindered part of my blouse see through. great. i crossed my arms over my chest.

" Yeah, okay, i admit i am a little karma challenged."

"A Little?"

"Maybe a little more than a little. Enough about me what about you? Is THIS an everyday occourance?"i stated leaning forward putting my elbows on my knees.

"Is what an everyday occourance?" leaning into the same postiton trying to challenge me.

"Running young women off the road, wrecking there cars, then playing prince charming by escorting them to the hospital to be taken care of? Is that how you get all your girls?"

"i don't know...Is 'that' what i am doing? Trying to get you i mean?" he asked quirking an eyebrow.

"uh...i only...i mean.." i stammered and he leaned back and smirked. damn he was good. suddenly the door swung open and i was thankful for the interruption.

"Well, Ms. Buckley, I am Dr. Hubert," extending a hand to both sidney and I, "It says here you were in an accident now the paramedics are fairly confident you don't have a concussion. But they wanted you to get that gash on your head cleaned and stitched up. after we take care of that you and your boyfriend are free to leave."

"oh, he's not.."

"yeah, she and I aren't..."

"My apologies , you too certainly look like a couple. I just assumed.Well, lets get you stiched up here, and I am going to give you something for the pain."

"okay" I sat in silence as he stiched me up, while Sidney stepped out for a moment, before coming back in. When he was done, Dr. Hubert left to go get some paper work and I was once again left in silence with Sidney.

"How's your head?"

"It's fine now. Whatever he gave me is working."

"Thats good. Um, here is all my insurance information and contact stuff." he said handing me a piece of paper. "I called my insurance, whatever they don't cover and whatever yours doesn't cover, just give me a call and i will take care of the rest. "

"Sidney, you don't have to do that. you have done more than enoguh already, seriously most people would have just driven off. Not only did you pull over you stayed with me at the hospital."

"Well, your in luck I didn't have anything going on at work today." he joked

"Haha.Well aren't I... Oh my god, work. Crap!" I ran over a yanked my phone out of my purse 17 missed calls. Shit. I began texting furiously first off my boss, i explained what happened to him then I texted my friend Lynn to see if she could come pick me up. If i could leave in the next half hour i could be at work by 10:00. She responded to be out front and ready to go.

Dr. Hubert came in clearing me to go and handing me my prescription form.

"Call if you have any reactions to the medication, or begin experiencing any severe headaches."


I hopped up to leave and Sidney followed behind me. I turned around to face him.

"So, um Reagan, I was wondering if maybe,you would want to, um..."My phone began blaring like crazy. Lovely,Lynn was here. I looked up at him.


"nevermind." he said sheepishly.

"oh, okay, well i gotta go" gesturing towards the door." thanks for everything"

"yep. Bye Reagan Buckley."

I turned to look at him "Bye Sidney Crosby"

He just had this knowing grin on his face.


Reagan Elizabeth Buckley

Birthday: March 19th 1987
Physical Description: Deep Blue eyes, Dark Brown hair with some natural wave, Creamy Pale skin,light freckles on cheeks and nose, 5'7", 130 lbs, athletic curvy build
Profession: Marketing Firm

Sidney Patrick Crosby
Birthday:August 7th 1987
Physical Description: Hazel eyes, thick dark brown curly hair, pale complexion,5'11", athletic build
Profession: Pittsburgh Penguins Ice Hockey Player

Chapter 2- waiting for the man


I had completley lost my train of thought.

"wow, you are bleeding really bad"

Well that would explain why everything sounded muffled.

" listen i called 911, oh your head, let me see if i have something to clean that up just to stop the bleeding."

He left for a moment i sat there feeling absoluteley dazed. I was losing my mind. how hard did i hit my head on the steering wheel? I honest to god think the guy that hit me is Sidney Crosby. W-O-W. I must have been spacing out when he got back because he said,

"ugh, you don't have a concussion do you?'

"No" i replied haughitly,making him smirk.

"lets get you out of whats left of that car" he said pulling me out and into his arms,then reached into the car to grab my blazer. He sat me down on the cold guard rail on the side of the road,wrapping my jacket around me, and kneeled in front of me.

"I am Sidney by the way" as he began to clean away the blood from my ear with what i think was an old t-shirt, and confirming who i thought he was. He looked up at me expectantly.

" oh, Reagan" i extended my hand, which he gladly took.His touch was electric.

" well reagan, sorry we had to meet under these circumstances" he stated as he moved up my face with the cloth" i really am..."

"GAH" i screamed reflexively kicking him in the shin as he put pressure on the cut on my forehead.

"Sorry" he continued to clean up the cut as we sat in silence. I can't believe one of my favorite players is sitting in front of me, i could quote his stats dating back to shattuck st. mary like i was reading them off a paper. Despite that it was early morning and that it was absolutley freezing from rain last night, his proxemity warmed me too my toes, and every so often, his fingers would slip and brush my skin sending a tingling sensation down my spine.

Finally the cops, an ambulence and a tow truck showed up. The officer informed us that the man on the motorcycle had been pulled over for wreckless driving, and the tow truck hauled my sad crunched up honda away. It was insisted that I go to the hospital to make sure i did not have a concussion and to get stiches for the gash on my head. Joy. Sidney decided to come to the hospital with me, and followed behind the ambulance in his range rover. I am not sure how he hit me, the back of my car got smashed, and yet his barely looks like it has been scratched. regardless, it meant more time with him.

Chapter 1- manic monday

skerchhhh,bam,smash,crunch, poof, aghhh,owwww


Why do i bother? I knew this morning was going to be bad when i woke up (late might i add). The shower refused to be anything but cold, my hair dryer blew out, and i was out of coffee so i had to wait in line and starbucks. The only thing going right today was my outfit: a navy blue chiffon sleeveless blouse and a heather grey pencil skirt though from the burning hot feeling radiating off my chest that might be ruined too, lovely. But honestly, this could have been worst, so i am thankful that it wasn't as bad as it coud have been.

Pulling me out of my reverie was a banging on the window of my now totaled car. I lifted my head up from the steering wheel, god my head hurt, i tried to collect myself.

"Blah blah blah blah?"

What is that muffled noise?oh, the person! I unbuckled my seat belt and unlocked the car. The car door swung open. I was verbally swarmed with still slightly muffled young mans voice.

"oh my god are you okay? I am so sorry, miss. I did not see that motorcycle coming, when he cut in front of me i swerved so i wouldn't hit him and ended up hitting you."

I was in shock,but other than feeling as if i had just been hit the head with a baseball bat, i didn't think i was seriously injured. I had seen the motorcycle to and i knew it wasn't his fault. When i looked up too calm his worried panicking antics I was met with the most intense eyes i had ever seen.