Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chapter 9- Crazy Little Thing Called Love

So I know this was supposed to be up Friday. But I have had a bit of a rough weekend. My big sister was getting ready and fell getting out of her shower on Friday morning. She has a high ankle sprain and fractured her wrist in two places. She is going to be okay they have a cast (she let me draw a pens logo on it) on her wrist and her ankle is wrapped, but she has had a hard time getting around. However, our mom is staying with us to help out with her for a couple days. Anyway here is the new chapter, enjoy. And remember comments get chapters up. Thanks for your patience and I am working on the next update. : )

- Jeyre87

Three simple task were at hand as I watched Mellon Arena diminish in my rearview mirror. Breathe. Focus. Drive. My head was reeling and racing all at once creating a lovely vertigo sensation. I probably shouldn't be operating heavy machinery, but to hell with it, because I had a date. I actually had a date, a real date. A date with a sexy, talented, charming guy. I had a date with Sidney Crosby. I could scream the words, write them out, or doodle them on every surface imaginable. The days of school girl crushes were returning, only this brought much deeper feelings.

Euphoric- a feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states as mania

Happy-delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing

Wonderful- Sidney Crosby

No dictionary on the face of the earth could possibly hold the words to describe my being. I watched the city pass by a blur of primary colors and large structures. A breathing pattern had finally been established,in through the nose slowly out through the mouth quickly. Cool air, calm, and Radiohead filled the cab of my car. Then an onset of utter panic kicked in. I had a date. I couldn't remember the last time I had a date. It wasn't that I didn't have options. It was just that I was a workaholic. Besides that I wasn't really dater girl. I had relationships. Loose and casual wasn't my thing, because it was exactly that, loose and casual. There was no real definiton and set boundaries and that stressed me out. Could I flirt with other guys? Could he flirt with other girls? Was it okay for us to say yes if someone else asked us out? I went back to my breathing excercise. I was jumping way to far ahead myself. If I was going to stress, it needed to be on the here and now. What do I wear? How do I act? That sort of thing. We had eaten together before but it never had a label on it. Jesus, I need to chill and just enjoy this, until I get home. Then I can worry about it.

Sidney's POV~

"Well, Well, Well look what the cat dragged out of the bag." I rolled my eyes at the "Superstar".

"Good to see you to Max." I replied sardonically as I pushed my way through the throng of people at Diesel.

"I don't think he meant he wasn't happy to see you," Geno stated as I sat down, "just that we were begining to think you were stuck in that pod you come from. Your too much of a homebody."

"I am not. I just don't have to hunt for my kill, they come delivered. It saves a step." Answering smugly, knowing they would take the bait.

"Shut up smart ass. Some of have to sing for our supper. Speaking of which..." Max tappered off. I looked over to where Max line of sight was now directed to see two blondes dancing . One using the other as a pole. Ugh, puck fucks, it was written all over them. He has no standards. If your going to do it at least find one that doesn't look like a total whore and with someone who isn't going to spread it all over the city or spread something to you. Max got up to begin his conquest and Flower slid over to his spot.

"Hey Sid"



"So? What?''

"What are you doing here? You come out with us to actual clubs once or twice a month, maybe more if you need to blow off steam. You have already been out with us three times and it is too early to be stressed about anything pre-season hasn't even started yet."

"No reason, I just had a really long high energy day and I am not ready to go home yet. If I go home I will start stressing and right now I just want to enjoy it. Not to mention I need a little help."

"With what?"

"Nothing. Just forget it, eh."


I knew I needed help planning my date I was just to proud to admit it. I wanted to ask without really asking. So, I bided my time. With myself being more of at home partier and Marc being tied down, and actually faithful, we just kind of sat and took in the scene around us. Max was now sandwiched between the blondes. Jordan was playing tonsil hockey with some red head. If his girl knew what shenanigans he was up to he would have to learn to skate with a stick up his ass. Kris and Geno were playing some drinking game, what the hell he is doing going up against a russian I couldn't tell you. But hey, It is his perogative. Finally enough time had passed for me to enter into the subject slickly.

"So where is Veronique?"

"Girls night."

"Sounds good."

"It is good that she has her own friends."

"Yeah.Must be relieveing."

"Extremely. I worry about her a lot."

"You should. I mean, man, how long have you guys been together?"


"Do you guys ever do anything special? Like do you plan stuff for her?"

"Yes" He said quizically.

"like what?"

"You have a date?" So apparently I am not as slick as I think I am.

"Yeah." I admitted in defeat.

"Well I am flattered that you sought my services." rolling his eyes, "So who is the lucky lady? One of your weekly rotationals?"

"God No! I have not seen any of them since last season. No, it is someone I met recently. Anyway, you gonna help or not?"

"Yeah, So when is the date?"

"Tommorow night?"

"Woah. Um....take her to dinner at one of the steakhouses. Then take her to Morton's it is this lounge that just opened, they play a lot of Jazz, very upscale, good atmosphere. Veronique loves it."

"That sounds good"

"Of course it sounds good. Can I ask you a question?"


"Why didn't you ask the Superstar? He is alot more contagious with the women?"

"When a woman give birth to a crack baby, you don't go out and buy her a puppy."

"What does that even mean?" He snorted.

"I needed the advice of someone who knows about substance. If I wanted advice on how to concoct the perfect one night stand or how to master sex, I would seek him out. But seeing as I have mastered and perfected both I have no need for him."

"Ha, I don't care what they say about you Croz. You really truly are an arrogant little shit."

I smirked."You love me for it."

"We tolerate you for it, Captain" He said laughing and elbowing me in the ribs.

I just smiled. I now had a game plan. Tonight I partake in debauchary with the boys. Tommorow, I try to win a battle more difficult than the Stanley Cup Finals. The battle for Reagans heart.


Alessandra said...

Please, continued!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!